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Eng lis h A bs tract
T his is the fourth surv ey on artist s ' w ork activities and r elat ed pr oblem s . T he
surv ey is ex pected t o form a dat abase for dev eloping adequat e n ational policies
con cerning art and cultur e. W e im prov ed th e surv ey design fr om pr eviou s on es
thr ough the review of art th eories sug gested by social scientist s and pr eviou s
surv ey s on artist s ' activities. W e form ulat ed a better r epr esent ativ e sam plin g
fr am e an d im pr ov ed the surv ey qu estionair e by adding a num ber of im portant
r esear ch it em s. Relativ ely few question s concerning th eir w ork activities of artist s
and pr oblem s in g ov ernm ent policies on art w er e a sked in previou s surv ey s . But
the pr esent surv ey in clu des, in addition t o the previou s on es, the question s on
artist s ' education , j ob car eer , intrin sic j ob satisfaction , artistic view s and v alues ,
and relat ed pr oblem s.
T h e population of this sam ple surv ey in clu des w rit er s, paint er s an d sculpt er s,
photogr apher s, ar chit ect s, Kor ean classical m u sician s , W est ern clas sical m u sician s,
theatrical artist s, film artist s, clas sical dan cer s and popular ent ertainer s . It s t ar get
sam ple size is 2,000 per son s. In or der t o achiev e the surv ey tar g et , w e sam pled a
t otal of 3,500 per son s including 1,500 spare samples , since w e ex pect ed a heavy
los s du e t o the defectiv en ess of our sam pling fr am e. T his sam ple w as dr aw n , by
dispr oportionate str atified random sam plin g m eth od, fr om list s of artist s r egist er ed
m em ber
or ganization s
th e
F eder ation
an d
Cultur al
Org anization s
of Korea. U sin g this
sam ple, w e conduct ed the surv ey
self - adm inist er ed m eth od for nearly four m onth s. W e carried out the surv ey for
such an unu sually lon g tim e becau se it w as difficult to obt ain a num ber of
com plet ed questionn air es close to the t ar get sam ple size. T he num ber of sam ples
w e com plet ed am ount s a t ot al of 1,500. T his num ber seem t o b e a m ax im um one
w ith this sam ple. In this r eg ar d it m ay be im portant t o not e that w e m aint ained
the initial sam ple fr am ew ork for r educing both sam plin g and n on sam pling err or s ,
and that the num ber of actual samples w e att em pt ed t o cont act is about 3,500
sin ce w e did not u se spar e sam ples in the ar eas w here w e com plet ed the surv ey
for the tar g et sam ples allotted by the str atified sam plin g m ethod. And also such a
h eavy sam ple loss w as prim arily du e to faulty addr esses an d secon darily becau se
of r espon se r efu sals. M ajor findin g s fr om the surv ey ar e as follow in g .
F ir st , m ost artist s, ex cept for archit ect s an d film artist s includin g actor s and
actr es ses ,
publicly ,
m ainly
thr ou gh
exhibition s,
concert s,
participation in som e sort of pr ofes sion al art gr oup. M ost ar chit ect s st art their
car eer s by opening a priv ate bu siness office, w hile m ost film artist s st art their
w ork thr ough per sonal r ecom m endation s . Like ar chitect s , m ost phot ographer s run
their ow n bu sin ess and sell their art pr odu ct s. M ost of the artist s, r eg ar dless of

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